Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Red Pyramid

The way I am going to rate The Red Pyramid is by giving it 1 out of 5 stars. For the rating right now is 3 out of 5 stars.

The image is a pyramid because the story takes place in Egypt and the book is called The Red Pyramid.  

  • Why Sadie and Carter have to go to Brooklyn from London with Amos there fathers brother?
  • Why there father would not tell them about his tool bag, there mom, where they are going, who is following him?
  • Why there father sank in to the floor at the British Museum?
  • How there father was talking to before he sank and why he didn't what him to see his children/
  • How Rick Riordan writes books like this that really keep my attention?
("A boat",  I said-then realized I'd translated aloud,)

This is a quote from The Red Pyramid I wanted to have it out in the open because it is were Sadie learns she can read hieroglyphics. My prediction is that Sadie being able to read hieroglyphics will help her face what happens next.The book is about two siblings who have not been living with each other have to work together to save there dad from well I don't really now what exactly capture there father but i will soon learn. The last chapter I read was about what happened after there dad destroyed the Rosetta stone and sunk into the floor. It ends with there uncle taking Carter and Sadie to Brooklyn in a boat from London and he says he can do in an hour?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

POW # 2: Snapshots

I chose a photo that changed my life and when I got him I had no idea he would. His name is jingles and he was my cat. I got him on my birthday and he was just a little kitten. How he got his name is I was thinking of a name for him will jingling a bell. Then jingles came to mind and it was perfect. I had to feed him and give him water every day but I didn't mind because I liked taking care of him. He loved when I petted him on his stomach and neck. When ever I got mad or sad he would come in my room and rub up agents me. Then my mom got really allergic to cats and we had to sell him and I didn't want to at all! My mom found someone at her work to take him. She had a daughter that had wanted a cat. The hardest thing about it was she got him and she didn't take care of him. So he ended up with one of her friends so now I don't even know where he is. That is the photo I chose.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

AOW #1

Dear Administration,

Being Doyle Byrnes lawyer I don't think you should boot her out of nursing school at Johnson County Community College because she was trying to share what she learned from J.C.C.C. and she said that she was sorry for what she did.I looked at the photo and I think that it looks very professional and is in black and white so you can't the placenta very well. I will personal thank you if you remission her in to school were she left off.

Thank You, Natalie Flickinger

Friday, January 7, 2011

POW #1 my name is...

My names oragin is christmas my date of birth is december/ 23/ 1994 so it makes since that my name means Christmas since I was born two days from it. How I came in to this world is interesting too. My mom and dad met in Mexico. My dad was there with his girlfriend and my mom was there with her brother. My dad told me that when he saw my mom he walked away from his girlfriend and started dancing with her. After they left they found out they live in the same state. So you can say they kept incontakt and went on dates. Then one day came that my mom was moving to Kansas and when my dad found that out he followed my mom from Arizona to Kansas!! Well lets just say I poped out after my mom found out my dad followed her. Now they debatted my name and their chooses for it went on a Chiles napkin that they gave me. I still have it if anyone needs proff. That is my names oragin and creation in a nut shell.