Friday, May 20, 2011


My Grade

            Why is a raven like a writing desk? Because it is in your room. Grades are determined by the work a student will give in their dedication to school. I believe I deserve the grade that my dedication to your class reflects and all that I have learned.
            Now I know what you are thinking, that I don’t deserve an A because my fluency and writing skills are not so great but, my spelling and writing a paragraph have really improved.
            I love when we do poetry! It is my favorite part of English. I am definitely going to remember TPFASTT, and how to analyze stories. I understand Shakespeare and I love his work! He was like the Albert with poems instead of math.
            I love to read, novels, poems, series, even fairy tales. When I read I always imagine that I was in the story trying to figure out how it will end. I love finding a character that is like me. I cannot wait to finish the hunger games in the summer! I plan to illustrate a little this summer as well. I am going to make a story about epic Mickey. I plan to write poems in the near future too.
            This is one of my three favorite classes’. I am very glad I had the privilege to be in your class and learn all that you have taught.
Thank you,
Natalie Flickinger

Sunday, May 15, 2011


My goals are far from each other,
how do they fit together?
From art to acting to a missionary

I love art from painting to drawing
with pencils and pens and markers too.
My goals are far from each other

I can't act but, I love to animate.
From cartoons to Disney characters
From art to acting to a missionary

I love helping people, from answering questions
to being humble in stead of being greedy.
My goals are far from each other.

From drawing to animating to being humble.
Which one should I choose?
I really don't know please commit.

I hope i"ll find the answer soon because
school is coming to a close for summer.
My goals are far from each other,
from art to acting to a missionary

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


What can you learn from a Captain?
Well how to escape and fight other,
How they hunt after mappen.
Why they run from there Mothers.

How to be cursed, 
How to take care of a monkey.
Why your ship doesn't burst,
How to walk funky.
So you learn hunting,
Stealing,and finding a mate.
How to be quick and cunning,
So maybe you'll get a date.

You'll be zooming away
While I'll be marooning someday.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Outside reading blog post

I was reminded of my six younger siblings being held hostige and only I could take there place or they would die when Katniss said she would volunteer to take Prim's place on reaping day. I fight with my siblings constently, but when it comes down to it. I would fight for them any day becuase I know that I could fight off someone better then a four year old or six. If I was in Katniss shoes I would do the same no matter if it was sarah who is all most two or callie that just turned fourteen. I can tell that Katniss is a great older sister. 

I wonder what is going to happen when Katniss gets to the capital. My predictions are they will get taken to the place where they will be competting. Meet the people they will try to be killing and have to share there storys about there districts. Get feed more awsome food and live like kings untill they leave for the areana. I know that Effie Trinket told them to listen to there opponets. Haymitch told them he would help them out at the arena if they don't worry about his liquor problem.

I noticed that Katniss and buttercup don't get along. If I was in Katniss shoes I would not like the cat eirther because just like the book said " it's just another mouth to feed." I also noticed that when Katniss was on the train she though that buttercup would curl up with Prim. I also noticed that Katniss recenised the guy who was picked and tolled a huge story about how she ran into him in the past. In other words had a flashback.

If I were Prim I would be scared for my sister and try to help out around the house. I would feel thankful to my sister that she vouenteer to take my place so I didn't have to die. I would try and help my mom with getting food and cooking.

I'd like to know if Katniss will live or die at the areana. I think if she makes a bow and has a lot of arrows she has a chance. I don't know how good the other people are but since she is the person telling to story she has a good chance there too. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Concrete poem

With paint and pencil. The way they make me Draw.I love with a Passion. I love to Color.I love to Paint.How about That.
the spaces mean a new letter the letters in order are ART.

Parent letter

Dear Parents
I notice that you get stressed because you have to drop off my brothers/sisters. I want to help you. Cars are a way to get around. I having three siblings at each house that I could drive to school, and I could drive to my dad’s.
Now I know what you’re going to say I need to get more practice at driving but, if I ask you more you could take me. That way I could get a permit.
I could drop off Adam, Will, Callie, and Miley. That way all you guys have to worry about Avery and Sarah. I could drop off Sarah if not Adam and will same with Avery. When Avery or Callie has dance I could drive them there. Mom, you are always rushing to get out the door and you wouldn’t have to, if I had a permit I could take mile’s. It would be less stress on you to get them to school on time and still get to work at a reasonable time.  
I could drive to my dad’s so you don’t have to meet him half way ever time. I could also go to school from my dad’s. That why I get a good night sleep on Sunday night by not coming home so late. I could drive to church because I know that Gammy’s moving and soon she will not be able to take me. I don’t want my loving parents to have to drive so far instead of being home.
All in all I think that getting a permit would help you more than me. By getting me a permit means more time for you at home.  You would not have to worry about the payment for my permit. My goal in life is to make your life more relaxed not more stressed.

Natalie Flickinger

Riddle poem

I hear your laughter
and see your smile.
I hold you close
when you hurt.

I love to see
happyness and love,
after a sad time.
What I do

Well I heal and
give you answers
but not who I am
you will never guess me
I Hope.

The acrostic poem

Thinks things though
A good person
Likes to create
Easy to be sweet

Friday, March 11, 2011

Persuasive Essay

Natalie Flickinger

Mr. Allam

English 2

March, 3, 2011

Julius Caesar persuasive

            “Et tu, Brute?’’(III.i.78). I have been sent back as a ghost to enlighten you about friendship so that way I didn’t have to die for nothing. I know you killed me because you though I would ruin Rome but, by killing me you have made Rome go into chaos. If you are not careful you will die as well. So listen to me when I tell you about friendship and you might survive. I am going to teach you about talking to your friends and trusting them to do the right thing! I will teach you that friendship means collaborating with trusting your friends.

            I know some like Cassius might disagree with me by saying friendship is about agreeing with others so believe me not others. Antony once said “When Caesar says “Do this,” it is performed.”(I.ii.10). You should follow that by listening to what I am about to say.

            You should talk to all your friends. Not just to one or two of them. If you do you might gossip about them. Then they will turn against you, like I would of if I knew!                                                                

Thursday, February 17, 2011

letters to wifes

Dear Portia,

I am troubled my husband Caeser is not listening to me. We are fighting all the time.  If he does get crowned king today I know power and it is hard to control once you have it. I fear for his life.I feel like I want to scream at him he frastrates me so much. What advise do you have?

Sincerely, Calphurnia

Dear Calphurnia,

I feel your pain I have been fighting with my husband too. I would just be honest with him and tell him that if he is going to be your husband he needs to act like one. Tell him that he needs to listen to his partner because just because we are girls does not mean what we say is not right.

 Sincerely, Portia

Sunday, February 13, 2011

letter to Dr. Berry

Why students should make up the snow days

Did know that the more days we have school there is less time for students to forget what they learned at school. This is a problem for students so adding to days to the end of the school might be a great thing. Plus students will be more prepared for next year if they learn more the year before. Students can learn more and have less time to forget if they are in school longer.

Now yes some might say that students should have a break form school but if you get them a huge break they will be more likely to forget what they learned if they had a short break. Static’s show that people how don’t study subjects after learning them will forget them.

Students could learn more and be more prepared for the next year. Students would do better on there Act’s and exams. If they learned more during days they would usually be off school. Students are always thinking that they are not prepared for the next year and if they were taught more they might not think that.

Students will have less time to forget what they learned. During the summer students forget over half of what they learned at school. When they come back in august the teachers have to review with them and not teach them some think new. That is why it would be a good think to add two more days on in the summer so students have less time to forget.

To sum this all up keep students in school longer so they will be more prepared and have less time to forget. If you want to change they way we learn just add more days to the year. Do it  right now!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Red Pyramid

The way I am going to rate The Red Pyramid is by giving it 1 out of 5 stars. For the rating right now is 3 out of 5 stars.

The image is a pyramid because the story takes place in Egypt and the book is called The Red Pyramid.  

  • Why Sadie and Carter have to go to Brooklyn from London with Amos there fathers brother?
  • Why there father would not tell them about his tool bag, there mom, where they are going, who is following him?
  • Why there father sank in to the floor at the British Museum?
  • How there father was talking to before he sank and why he didn't what him to see his children/
  • How Rick Riordan writes books like this that really keep my attention?
("A boat",  I said-then realized I'd translated aloud,)

This is a quote from The Red Pyramid I wanted to have it out in the open because it is were Sadie learns she can read hieroglyphics. My prediction is that Sadie being able to read hieroglyphics will help her face what happens next.The book is about two siblings who have not been living with each other have to work together to save there dad from well I don't really now what exactly capture there father but i will soon learn. The last chapter I read was about what happened after there dad destroyed the Rosetta stone and sunk into the floor. It ends with there uncle taking Carter and Sadie to Brooklyn in a boat from London and he says he can do in an hour?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

POW # 2: Snapshots

I chose a photo that changed my life and when I got him I had no idea he would. His name is jingles and he was my cat. I got him on my birthday and he was just a little kitten. How he got his name is I was thinking of a name for him will jingling a bell. Then jingles came to mind and it was perfect. I had to feed him and give him water every day but I didn't mind because I liked taking care of him. He loved when I petted him on his stomach and neck. When ever I got mad or sad he would come in my room and rub up agents me. Then my mom got really allergic to cats and we had to sell him and I didn't want to at all! My mom found someone at her work to take him. She had a daughter that had wanted a cat. The hardest thing about it was she got him and she didn't take care of him. So he ended up with one of her friends so now I don't even know where he is. That is the photo I chose.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

AOW #1

Dear Administration,

Being Doyle Byrnes lawyer I don't think you should boot her out of nursing school at Johnson County Community College because she was trying to share what she learned from J.C.C.C. and she said that she was sorry for what she did.I looked at the photo and I think that it looks very professional and is in black and white so you can't the placenta very well. I will personal thank you if you remission her in to school were she left off.

Thank You, Natalie Flickinger

Friday, January 7, 2011

POW #1 my name is...

My names oragin is christmas my date of birth is december/ 23/ 1994 so it makes since that my name means Christmas since I was born two days from it. How I came in to this world is interesting too. My mom and dad met in Mexico. My dad was there with his girlfriend and my mom was there with her brother. My dad told me that when he saw my mom he walked away from his girlfriend and started dancing with her. After they left they found out they live in the same state. So you can say they kept incontakt and went on dates. Then one day came that my mom was moving to Kansas and when my dad found that out he followed my mom from Arizona to Kansas!! Well lets just say I poped out after my mom found out my dad followed her. Now they debatted my name and their chooses for it went on a Chiles napkin that they gave me. I still have it if anyone needs proff. That is my names oragin and creation in a nut shell.