Thursday, February 17, 2011

letters to wifes

Dear Portia,

I am troubled my husband Caeser is not listening to me. We are fighting all the time.  If he does get crowned king today I know power and it is hard to control once you have it. I fear for his life.I feel like I want to scream at him he frastrates me so much. What advise do you have?

Sincerely, Calphurnia

Dear Calphurnia,

I feel your pain I have been fighting with my husband too. I would just be honest with him and tell him that if he is going to be your husband he needs to act like one. Tell him that he needs to listen to his partner because just because we are girls does not mean what we say is not right.

 Sincerely, Portia

Sunday, February 13, 2011

letter to Dr. Berry

Why students should make up the snow days

Did know that the more days we have school there is less time for students to forget what they learned at school. This is a problem for students so adding to days to the end of the school might be a great thing. Plus students will be more prepared for next year if they learn more the year before. Students can learn more and have less time to forget if they are in school longer.

Now yes some might say that students should have a break form school but if you get them a huge break they will be more likely to forget what they learned if they had a short break. Static’s show that people how don’t study subjects after learning them will forget them.

Students could learn more and be more prepared for the next year. Students would do better on there Act’s and exams. If they learned more during days they would usually be off school. Students are always thinking that they are not prepared for the next year and if they were taught more they might not think that.

Students will have less time to forget what they learned. During the summer students forget over half of what they learned at school. When they come back in august the teachers have to review with them and not teach them some think new. That is why it would be a good think to add two more days on in the summer so students have less time to forget.

To sum this all up keep students in school longer so they will be more prepared and have less time to forget. If you want to change they way we learn just add more days to the year. Do it  right now!